002 - “Junior Staff Instructor”
01FEB2020 - Formerly known as Staff Pick-Ups (SPUs), JSIs are some of the most disliked people in the nuclear community that are actually in the nuclear community. They have a reputation for getting a little too confident before they have any sea time; having spent the past 2 years or so operating one of the training plants in New York or Charleston. There is a world of difference between operating the reactor core of a riverboat and the nuclear power plant of a live warship, but someone has to do it (because we certainly don’t have enough sea-returnees to do it all).
All jokes aside, some JSIs really are spectacular people and make far better instructors than the salty sea-returnees that come to prototype. They still have that desire to know more and be better that many others lose during the course of their first sea tour. They might have less sea-time than Chief’s coffee cup, but it’s always been one’s attitude that has made the most difference in influencing junior sailors rather than the scope of their experience.
The technical knowledge an instructor passes on to you will fade with time, but the ways they shaped your character through the way they treated you will remain long after you’ve forgotten every thing there is to forget about nuclear power. - Wayne
Artist Note:
This strip is brought to you by the same things keeping the navy running: inadvisable amounts of Advil and coffee. I used to do fantasy commissions, now I do nuke comics. As a civilian, they're practically the same thing but with less elves/magic... more bizarre acronyms, grey paint and 4000 uniform rules. Keep an eye out for the mini-comics if you want to get to know me more! -Meagan